from €2,222.00

Break through the walls of 3D Brand & Website Design - create your visionary 5D Soul World Experience into Reality!

This is your Divine Creation Game! Let’s create magic together ♥

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BIRTHING YOUR SOUL WORLD EXPERIENCE - This is your Divine Creation Game!

Your journey? A unique path of healing & creating your souls purpose & brand. Mystery School Training, initiated by the Divine, to bring these unique energies that are weaving through you into reality. Channeling something with higher purpose, birthing something into this world, that is bigger than yourself. New kind of codes to experience divinity through a new kind of experience, to tap into a new kind of reality, consciousness & embodiment.

…No…these are not just spiritual businesses, coaching programs, products, services or brands…these are temples, dimensions, spaces, worlds, realities. A co-creation of magic & the manifestation of love in its many different forms.

And let’s be honest, you haven’t been working through all these layers of conditioning only to put yourself into another box of how brand & webdesign should look like for your soul brand & business!

Your soul business is your chance to create your own multidimensional soul experience into the new earth. By diving into your unique magic & soul essence, into the energies, embodiments & activations that are working & weaving through you in your business & brand, you bring all of this into reality, 5D codes, magic, vision into 3D!

WEBSITE REBIRTH is a creation vortex where we give birth to the unseen - this soul world experience within you, that is ready to be revealed, manifested, embodied & visualized through your website & brand creation as this mirror of who you became & always been! This is your soul’s legacy, temple, a dimension, frequency, your unique experience & world, that you open your soul clients the portals for.

I am deep diving with you as your creative sparring partner & co-creatrix, weaving & birthing visually YOUR Soul World Experience through your multidimensional website & brand design.

All that is being expressed, can be experienced & integrated

Your divine self-expression, your dreams, your vision - is a unique frequency & dimension. It’s a whole new world to explore & discover. The way how you express yourself, activates not only yourself in your truth, light & bliss, but also us. Through you, we can discover & access this part within ourselves.

So to follow any generic brand & content strategies might work for some - but not for you. Because you are different, to make a difference. You are here to bring a whole new blueprint into this world, that will activate a certain collective. The space you are birthing into reality & give your soul clients access, can’t be found somewhere else, than w i t h i n yourself, because it’s being born t h r o u g h y o u. It is your Soul World Experience you create, give access to & bring into reality. To awaken others in THIS certain frequency.

So the question in Brand Building is not only which colors and fonts to use, but to ask how this whole World actually looks like? How does this Experience look like, when your client enters this rabbit whole? What kind of magic wonderland awaits them? What are the energetics? What kind of dimension do I find myself by travelling with you? What kind of parts within myself can I experience? What is your world about?

Multidimensional Website & Brand Design - the Hologram of your Soul World Experience

Multidimensional Brand & Web Design goes beyond what is comon or visible within our human experience. Multidimensional Brand Design brings Soul Dreams & Visions to Life, the expression of 5D into 3D, bringing higher dimensional frequencies on Earth. Through Self-Expression and Creation.

You are best in creating your space & experience - and I am here to help you to visualize it. The magic that happens in your space, a visual storytelling, the visualization of your unique rabbit hole, to see & mirror you in your unique light, frequency & soul world experience. Here to serve you in co-creating this magic you carry into this world - my absolute honor & joy!

Over are the times where it felt difficult to bring all this into form. How to visualize all this multidimensional layers of the experience that you carry within? My genius! Through years of diving into AKASHA SOUL ART painting and creating digital artwork, channeling & feeling soul fragments & energies and birthing them into expression, I was initiated into my unique soul world experience. Where I welcome you to create yours. To create your Soul World Hologram for your clients to see, feel and enter this reality, world & magic you carry. A hologram of a consciousness that is not expressed yet, that you are here to open the space for, to give access to.

Over the times of trying to create from the mind, because your heart knows the way and when you allow yourself to BE YOU, you have access to your most power, because then YOU ARE the source, YOU ARE the channel, YOU ARE the vessel for it, nothing outside of you. It’s all within you. You are birthing it into reality. I am opening and holding space for exactly this: Birthing YOUR magic & world into existence.

“I am very satisfied with the website, I had totally goosebumps, i love it! I think you really captured me. and I think you are the first one that really understood what i truly wanted. i am really happy with the work that you have done, it’s super powerful and I love it! I am super happy that i am with you! Thank you so much!”

- Andaria Ramaiana from

A Sacred Space of Creation: Channeling - Weaving - Birthing

Every creation process is unique, as you and me meet in a sacred creative space to co-create together with our divine guides of this creation. The magic that happens within this creative space is absolute unique, as two channels, two vessels meet to bring divine expression into this world. You as the keeper of the Soul World, me as your creative sparring partner & mirror to dive in with you, to explore, express & create it into form. Always you as the guiding light of highest alignment, I am guiding us through the creative process. I am holding space for you in your personal birthing process, experiencing and expanding yourself within all that you are. Opening space for the version of yourself when you open your wings, your bliss, your light & power, your free soul-expression. Holding space for fears around being seen, being too much, or offend anybody when you show and express yourself freely in your divine self-expression. It all can be. It’s all part of the birthing experience of rebirthing yourself also in this version of yourself where you are not holding yourself back in your power, light and magic.

What you will experience:

➳ releasing limitations around how you should show up in your brand & rebirth yourself into your fully self-expressed version opening space for all of this that you carry within

➳ diving into your unique energies, activations & soul frequency to crystallize & visualize the magic & energy that is flowing & working through you

➳ exploring, discovering, feeling, weaving, channeling & birthing your soul world with a mirror by your side, that is diving IN with you to see, feel & reflect with you, brain & heartstorm with you

➳ create a unique client journey & experience entering your rabbit hole of divine soul wonderland in your website & brand marketing

➳ cross the treshhold of 3D in your brand creation into your 5D birthing channel of your soul world experience for all that you will continue birthing & weaving into reality through your brand

WEBSITE REBIRTH is for you, if…

➳ you have a website, that is not really expressing or not anymore who you are and into who and what you envision to grow into

➳ you don’t have a website and want to create right from the beginning a space that is in full alignment with your soul & vision without compromising on your expression

➳ you are a conscious soul business creator like healer, mentor, coach, oracle/channel, creator, artist, starseed on your soul mission to share & create your puzzle piece in the co-creation of a new earth

➳ you want to create your brand marketing in your unique self expression, magic & multidimensionality

➳ you are a multifacetted soul & you are different, always been, always will be and you are here to make this your superpower

➳ you know you are here with a unique mission & vision and want to create your soul aligned brand & client experience

➳ you wish for a creative sparring partner, who is a dreamer & visionary, able to feel you within your dreams, soul, frequency & vision, dives into your space as deep as you do, to brain & heartstorm about your vision & your unique activations, magic & the soul world experience you carry AND is capable in the same time to translate & create all of this into a brand experience, webdesign & digital art as your brand voice

➳ you are bored to see similar designs everywhere & wish to express in your unique way, but need a little bit of creation & design support to set you up with your assets & bring your vision into reality

What you receive:

➳ multidimensional & soul aligned visual storytelling & soul world theme of your service

➳ channeling & creating a unique design composition of images, banners, photos & visual elements

➳ concepting of a unique client journey & experience with CTAs & individual choice of conversion funnel (application link, contact form, checkout, …)

➳ ready to launch website of the specs we agreed on

What is not included:

➳ text content for the landing page:
within our co-creation I will be focusing on the visual building part, there will be sections on the landing page, where i will pick & recycle content that you gave me, but the main text and information will be provided by you

Intention & Approach to this Website Birthing Portal

YOUonEarth is a portal to your unique Soul’s Expression. Through my own spiritual journey of channeling & painting AKASHA SOUL ART, a gift that was crystalized was my ability to see & visualize soul fragments & energies. In combination with my marketing background, I could not help myself but to start using this gift of weaving energetics to create multidimensional portraits made from photos, create unique logos and websites, that mirror, express & birth a soul’s world into this realm. I found a new passion and way to express 5D into 3D and within this to express this magic that is here within and all around us.

If you “just need a website”, then my work is probably not for you. I don’t do generic / one fits all webdesign, I create multidimensional & soul-aligned visual experiences that make the unseen seen. With my clients we weave stories, realities & worlds. Make dreams come true, that inspire and that use technology in a way to create magic - and invite each other to experience it. This is where it gets interesting. Where there is also no competition and copying each others strategies anymore. Because there is not just a business, product or brand. But suddenly there is a unique Soul World Experience that wants to be created through you. This is your Divine Creation Game! How does this Soul World that you hold within look like? If anything would be possible? What is the experience that you offer is about, what is the world, what is the journey, what is the realty you give access to through your offer/service/brand? What is your vision, your dream, your magic? Let’s make all of this accessable - through visualization we create a website, that is a world & reality to tap into its consciousness & experience!

The Creation Process:

➳ send me a message or book a free Vision Call to talk about your Vision & Brand

➳ we will talk about the possibilities and you will receive a proposal with different options created for you to choose from

➳ after we agreed on the frame, I will send you a contract agreement for the creation as well as a little brand questionnaire to gather some information

➳ we will meet for our first call on zoom to open our sacred creative space & start weaving through different creative practices, guided meditations and a workbook, that you will receive.

➳ you share photos with me, that you would like to use, access to your website & your brand styleguide if available

➳ I will send you the first design of a Soul World Portrait within 2-3 business days

➳ feedback & co-weaving either in our telegram chat or via call, I give you access to the Soul World Map on Canva where you find all collected visual & verbal elements

➳ after approval of design concept, I will start the creation of the landing page, using the text content given by you

➳ we co-create the website, with each page up to 5 feedback loops for co-creation.

➳ you will have a unique website birthed from your soul vision, ready to be shared with the world and more important with your soul clients!


Depending of the size of your website the creation process can take from 1 -2 months for smaller creations to 3-4 or even 5 months for bigger creations or creating a website from scratch. Within all time calculations, the estimation carries the value of momentum to use the power of the vortex to birth and in simultariously to let divine timing play in the creative process as birthing is an unfolding process that also needs time for integration & being with / feeling the creation, in order to weave in alignment.

“I had totally goosebumps, i love it! I think you really captured me. and I think you are the first one that really understood what i truly wanted. i am really happy with the work that you have done, it’s super powerful and I love it! I am super happy that i am with you! Thank you so much!”

“You are not a normal designer, this is divine”

”This is exactly what I envisioned!”

“Now I even understand my work on a different level”

Are you ready to create a storytelling & website soul world that creates a whole new level of experience for yourself and your soul clients?
Enter this birthing portal to birth you soul world experience into reality.

Let’s create your magic into this world!

With Love,


  • The approach within spiritual or multidimensional brand & webdesign is to give the unseen an expression & form, to give birth to the frequency by bringing it into form, visulization & expression, within this to create transmissions & activations of this frequency that is here to be shared.

    So instead of using photos of you that show you in 3D reality with a 3D set-up, multidimensional webdesign gives us the opportunity to create what is not in form, but very much part of the transformation, activations & experience that is happening by working with you.

    The creative process is not from the mind to create a strategy, but to go within and in co-creation with the divine/spirit/universe. By opening up for the creative process that wants to unfold, channeling and birthing what is there to be shared in highest alignment and with your greatest, free, authentic, unique way of expression into this version of yourself that is the divine creator of all of it..

    The intention is to build and create these expressions of the soul world that you carry, that is your unique positioning, as a hologram of the experience that you give access to through your offer.

    Energies, elements, spirit, frequencies, temple space, dimensions, that are part of the experience of your service and now being visualized.

    To give your energies a form, to give your frequency a picture, to give your soul world experience a visualization - to birth all of this into reality!

  • Visual storytelling serves as the gateway to the soul world experience of your offer. It gives your client a storyline and impression what the vibrational experience you offer is about. It is the transmission of the experience that is available for your client in your service / product / program.

    It allows your client to see & feel the essence of your unique vision and offering, creating a narrative that resonates on a deep soul level beyond this reality - it activates remembrance.

    A visualized soul code of activations, consciousness, world & reality that you invite your soul client for.

  • While your story is your offering, and you are your own channel of what wants to be created through you, my gift of feeling & visualizing energies & fragments will give you new mirrors of your soul and your world.

    All these differents parts and fragments of you and your space will be reflected and seen, weaved into alignment, into one storyline and picture.

    The co-creation is us both & the divine/spirit. Always you as the guiding light of highest alignment and the truth of your soul. Me as the guide through our creative process, spaceholder for what wants to be created and your creative sparring partner & mirror.

  • For different places on your website we will design unique pictures, depending on what feel aligned to your soul world, for example:
    - soul world portrait (hero image) in website header format
    - background soul world images
    - soul world portals - icons / logos
    - soul avatar portraits in square & vertical design format

    …from multilayered imagery, of space, world, into detail, reflecting your frequency through symbols & expressions, each design element is carefully curated to catch & express the essence of your soul.

    All Soul World & Soul Avatar Designs are weaved through a multidimensional process to express the unique expression & frequency of your offer, brand & soul.

  • Absolutely! Within the creative process we will collect symbols and other visuals that are an expression of your energies and that which you want to bring into form. If you already have energies in mind, specific symbols or elements which are important part of what you want to express, that’s amazing! Just share your wishes and ideas with me and I will think of ways how to translate this into your unique brand & webdesign!

  • All researched & collected visual elements will be saved in a Canva whiteboard (infinite mind map sheet).

    Access to this board is your personal treasure trove of (visual) resources to fuel your continued marketing creation, weaving with your unique & soul-aligned visual voice with the invitation to build on it. No limits. Expansion in any direction you can imagine for your brand creation. You can add there any texts, inspiration & ideas, to continue weaving your Brand & Soul World Experience.

  • Yes, your brand message and text content is very much connected with the visual storytelling, so we will dive also into your brand message and offerings as a natural part of our creation process and part of the webdesign process.

    While throughout our co-creation I will be focusing on the visual part, you will be the one providing the text content for it.

    Either you already have your content ready or in the process of writing it. Within the design process we will create a unique client journey on your website, where we will weave the visual and verbal storytelling into one experience. So no worries about the texts, if you don’t have them yet.

    Also you will find journaling prompts and exercices (some of them we will do also live in our creation sessions on zoom) in the “Birthing your unique Soul World Experience”-Workbook with questions that will help you to bring essential information about your unique experience into words.

    Also it is very common that even if you already have your content, that there will be readjustments and tweaks in the content too, while everything comes together, things often fall into place on a new level!

  • Yes, you will be responsible for the texts. Nevertheless I will also work with the given content to weave and build parts together or re-structure content for visual purposes.

    In our Co-creation will dive together into content structure & storyline. As I will focusing on the visual creation, you are the one taking care of bringing your vision into verbal storytelling, writing the text content in your voice & vibration, to weave it then all together.

  • The website builders that I most like to work with because of their good creative & technical solutions and their easy way to use for my clients are WordPress in combination with Elementor, and Squarespace.

  • Yes, I offer ongoing support and maintenance packages to ensure that your website remains secure, up-to-date, and optimized for performance. From software to content updates, I am here to support you every step of your soul world creation journey.

  • Absolutely! We can incorporate elements and special features into your website design. Just share your idea with me and I will think about a way how we can create it on your website.

  • All our websites have a basic SEO set up, of technical and on page optimized structure, for search engine robots to crawl and list your page.

    If you wish to optimize your website on specific keywords or would like to have a keyword research and strategy based on your offerings, please ask for advanced SEO.

  • At the end of our co-creation, we will have a live handover and introductionary workshop where I show you around the backend, show you where you can find everything and how to edit elements like images and texts.

    Furthermore I also host individual and group trainings and workshops on managing and updating your website content, empowering you to take full control of your website to be independant. Whether it's adding new pages, sections, how to add a online course into your website, manage and update products, blog posts, or managing online bookings, I am happy to share my knowledge and how-tos with you!

  • There will be multiple rounds of revisions and feedback loops during the soul world identity creation as well as up to 5 feedback loops per landing page in the following design process to ensure that your soul world meets your vision. That you feel and see yourself within the website, is my intention, and we'll work closely together to incorporate any changes or adjustments until it’s a full body YES for you!

    Also in addition, I offer a 2 weeks post launch support for any questions or tweaks that might come up after the launch!

  • Welcome to "WEBSITE REBIRTH," a multidimensional design service tailored for coaches, healers, and leaders of the New Earth to create their unique Soul World Experience via Website & Brand Design.

    The following General Terms and Conditions apply to all contracts for design services between YOUonEarth, resp. Maria Kistner (hereinafter referred to as "Designer") and the client (hereinafter referred to as "Client").

    By engaging in this service, the Client agrees to the following terms and conditions:

    1. Service Description:
    "WEBSITE REBIRTH" is a comprehensive design service focused on the development and creation of designs and media through a unique and soul aligned visual brand & website experience.

    2. The package includes:
    2.1. Creative Process
    2.1.1. Channeling & birthing of a visual storytelling and soul world theme.
    2.1.2. creation of individual and unique soul world designs, elements / logos and soul avatar media made with photomaterial of the client.
    2.1.3. creation live calls via Zoom, homework for both Designer & Client & a telegram chat
    2.1.4. creation of a brand soul world identity including visual voice and verbal voice
    2.1.5. “Birthing your unique Soul World Experience”-Workbook
    2.1.6. moodboard & soul world concept
    2.1.7. unique symbolism & soul code light language
    2.1.8. soul world map on canva containing canva element selections & the documentation of ideas & inspirations throughout the co-creative process
    2.1.9. guided meditations & astral travels

    2.2. Website Creation
    2.2.1. design and creation of a ready to launch Website depending on contract & agreement:
    - Creatrix: 1 one pager website
    - Queen: 3 to 4 pages
    - Goddess: 5 to 7 pages
    2.2.2. choice between Squarespace, Wordpress / Elementor or website builder
    2.2.3. theme, plugin set up & contact form
    2.2.4. SEO / Search Engine Optimization including indexability, Meta Title, headings, image size & page speed
    2.2.5. responsive design (mobile)
    2.2.6. cookie banner setup
    2.2.7. data protection page & legal notice
    2.2.8. short training & handover of the website via Zoom
    2.2.9. 2 weeks after launch support for Creatrix & Queen package, 4 weeks after launch support for Goddess package

    2.3. Feedback Loops & Timeframe
    The design services offered include individually tailored creation time and correction loops for each offer. These are as follows:
    - Creatrix: 2 months creation - 3 feedback loops
    - Queen: 3 months creation - up to 3 correction loops per page
    - Goddess: 5 months creation - up to 3 correction loops per page

    For each additional correction loop or work or modification on or with the website beyond the package, unless otherwise agreed, a flat rate of €120/h will be charged.

    For any delay or overdue f the agreed timeframe caused by the client, unless otherwise agreed, a flat rate of €120/h will be charged.

    3. Order & Booking of Service
    The client can order their service verbally, in written form or through booking the design service via the YOUonEarth website. The client will then receive an order confirmation from the designer, indicating the begin of the process and development of the client’s design from this point on. If the client does not expressly object to the order in writing within seven days, it is deemed to have been accepted.

    4. Ownership and Usage Rights

    4.1 All orders are copyright contracts that grant the client the spatially and temporally unlimited right to use the works within the agreed frame, not ownership.

    4.2. The designer grant the usage rights required for the respective purpose. Unless otherwise agreed, only the simple usage right is granted. In terms of content, the usage right is limited to the contractually specified types of use or the types of use resulting from the purpose of the contract. A transfer of usage rights to third parties requires written agreement.

    4.3. If the usage right is to be later expanded to other types of use, this must be agreed in writing in advance. In this case, the designer is entitled to a (further) appropriate remuneration according to § 32 UrhG.

    4.4. The usage rights pass to the client only after complete completion and payment of the fee.

    4.5. Any re-use of the drafts and final artwork requires prior written consent by the designer. The same applies to uses that go beyond the originally agreed or intended scope. For each re-use or additional use that occurs without consent of the designer, the client is obliged to pay a contractual penalty in the amount of 100 percent of this fee, in addition to the appropriate fee for the respective use.

    4.6. If the client use reproductions such as ebooks or prints, the designer must be credited as the author in the imprint:
    e.g., "Design by YOUonEarth"

    Mentions in advertising materials are not necessary.

    5. Artwork & Design Files

    5.1. After completing the client’s design, the client will receive the data outlined in the offer as a digital file in a zip folder. The data and files created in fulfillment of the contract remain designer’s property. The designer is not obliged to hand over data and files, especially working files and layouts created on the computer. If the client wish to receive them, this must be agreed and compensated for separately.

    5.2. If the designer has provided the client with computer files, these may only be modified with prior consent by the designer.

    5.3. If the client intend to register formal protective rights for the drafts, final artwork, or any other work of the designer in an official register, prior written consent is required.

    5.4. I reserve the right to include notices of creation at appropriate locations on the website. The client may not remove these notices without consent.

    5.5. By placing the order, the client agrees that the designer may advertise their work on various channels and media (such as website and social media) and mention or publish the client’s drafts and reproductions, as part of self-promotion.

    6. Remuneration, Default, Contract Termination

    6.1. Remuneration is agreed upon upon order placement. The remuneration for WEBSITE REBIRTH and website packages (Creatrix, Queen, Goddess). For individually agreed orders or work that goes beyond the agreed package or involves significant additional effort, billing is based on time spent. An agreed hourly rate is billed in time units of hours begun and amounts to, unless otherwise agreed, €120 per hour.

    6.2. Remuneration is due upon order placement and is to be paid immediately and without deduction. For orders with a volume of 2000 EUR or more, 50 percent of the remuneration is due upon order placement as a down payment and 50 percent upon acceptance of the service.

    6.3. In case of default in payment, the designer reserves the right to demand default interest at eight percent above the respective base rate of the European Central Bank p. a. Claiming compensation for proven higher damages remains reserved.

    6.4. If an order is canceled before completion, the designer is entitled to invoice the expenses incurred up to that point. In this case, the designer bases it on the time already spent, but at least 50% of the total amount of the booked service.

    Therefore, in the event of cancellation or termination of orders by the client, the client must reimburse the designer for already provided partial services. By paying this flat rate for expenses, the client does not acquire any rights to the work or designs already provided; designs or concepts that have not been executed must be returned to the designer immediately and may not be used.

    7. Freedom of Design, Execution of the Contract, and Obligation to Cooperate

    7.1. Within the scope of the contract, there is freedom of design. Complaints regarding artistic design are excluded. By agreeing to package-specific correction loop limits, the client consents that any additional costs arising from change requests during or after development will be borne by them. The designer reserves the right to compensation for work already commenced.

    7.2. If the execution of the contract is delayed due to reasons attributable to the client, the designer may demand a reasonable increase in compensation. In cases of intent or gross negligence, the designer may also assert claims for damages. The assertion of further damages due to delay remains unaffected.

    7.2.1. If the client cannot provide all necessary documents/templates within the agreed-upon timeframe, the designer grant the client a deadline of three weeks to ensure the timely continuation of other projects.

    7.2.2. If the client fails to meet the deadline due to lack of cooperation, the designer is entitled to: a) withdraw from the contract and invoice their expenses up to that point or b) issue an advance invoice regardless of the order volume.

    7.3. By issuing and providing any templates, such as images, texts, or other content, the client assures that they are authorized to use them. Should the client not be authorized to use them contrary to this assurance, the client indemnify the designer from any claims by third parties.

    7.4. The examination of the legal admissibility of the design work regarding competition law is not part of the contract. It also does not include the examination of trademark or other intellectual property registration or usability of the designer work. Corresponding research is the client’s responsibility.

    7.5. For websites, the client is solely responsible for legally compliant website design.

    7.6. Upon handing over photos, the designer assumes that individuals photographed have transferred their image rights to the client. The client undertakes to verify the provided photos for their legally unobjectionable use. The client is liable for any recourse claims.

    8. Warranty

    8.1. The designer undertakes to carry out the client’s order with the utmost care, particularly in handling provided templates, documents, and samples, etc. The designer also guarantees not to disclose any confidential documents to third parties.

    8.2. Any complaints of any kind must be submitted to the designer in writing within 14 days after delivery of the work. Subsequently, the work is considered accepted without defects.

    9. Liability

    9.1. Unless otherwise provided in the following provisions, the contracting parties are liable for damages and reimbursement claims, regardless of the legal grounds, in accordance with statutory provisions.

    9.2. Liability for damages caused intentionally or through gross negligence by one of the contracting parties, as well as for damages resulting from injury to life, body, or health, is unlimited in amount.

    9.3. In all other cases, the contracting parties are only liable insofar as it concerns the breach of an essential obligation, the fulfillment of which enables the proper execution of the contract in the first place and on which the other contracting party may rely (‘cardinal obligation’), but always limited to the typical, foreseeable damage.

    9.4. The contracting parties assume that the typical, foreseeable damage for each individual case of damage does not exceed €750.

    9.5. The designer does not assume liability for damages resulting from unauthorized third-party interventions.

    9.6. The designer does not assume liability for the accuracy of licensed software or freeware/shareware.

    9.7. Claims for damages expire one year after the statutory commencement of the limitation period. This does not apply in cases of intent or gross negligence and in cases of injury to life, body, or health. In these cases, the statutory limitation period applies.

    9.8. Liability under the Product Liability Act remains unaffected.

    10. Final Provisions

    10.1. Unless otherwise stated in the order confirmation, the place of performance is the designer's place of business.

    10.2. The invalidity of any of the above conditions does not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.

    10.3. German law applies.

    10.4. If the client is a merchant, the place of jurisdiction is the designer's place of business. The designer is also entitled to sue at the place of business of the client.

    11. Confidentiality:

    All information shared during the design process will be kept strictly confidential, except where disclosure is required by law.

    12. Legal Disclaimer:

    "WEBSITE REBIRTH" Design Service is provided for promotional and marketing purposes only. The designer is not liable for any outcomes or results achieved through the website.

    By engaging in "WEBSITE REBIRTH", you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to abide by these terms and conditions.

any more questions?

You are not one of a million Brands - You are a one in a lifetime Soul World Experience!
Let’s create your Magic into Reality!

With Love,